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Great Light online magazine site

Great Light is a printed Taoism-Buddhism monthly magazine. In 2004, GRID was retained to design-develop its online version. We built a Content Management System for the client so Great Light’s editors can have direct control.

greatlight online magazine site
Click above image to visit site archive


張啟聖先生 “Online marketing” seminar

Stephen Chang introduces online marketing at Renaissance Economic Development Corp., Queens office in Flushing. A seminar series designed for small business owners and entrepreneurs in the local immigrant community. Local Chinese newspaper outlined several key points of the seminar.

SingTao news report 張啟聖先生 seminar

Resource: another web hosting service we use

Bluehost is a website hosting company endorsed by WordPress.org. We started using their service more than three years ago after the recommendation by a WordPress users group, and we are satisfied with their service. Below is our affiliate banner link to their current promotional pricing (Please note: the promo rate is for their 36-month prepay plan)

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