

行動電話 + 本地搜索 + 社交媒體

( Mobile Phone + Local Search + Social Media )


  • 越來越多的消費者用手機去尋找要購買的商品或服務。
  • 網絡搜尋引擎根據手機GPS(或電腦IP)所在地,確立優先搜索範圍,提供即時資訊給消費者。
  • 大城市裡同類型商業密集,商家網站indexed內容、SEO(搜尋引擎優化或網站優化)、Ranking程度、以及在社交媒體的評等,成為排列搜索結果前後的主要依據。


餐館、藥房、超市、加油站、修車廠、洗衣店… 等,因為服務內容非常類似,如果沒有其他特別信息,搜尋引擎從政府營業登記,各種郵件名單服務(mailing list service),加上社交媒體如Yelp, Foursquare… 等參考資訊,以距離遠近排列搜索結果,這是我們近年來親身體驗到的。


我們在2014年推出「本地市場小型商業網站與搜尋引擎優化服務––包括多語言族裔市場*」,就是針對這個網上科技大眾化帶來的絕佳商機,在這裡我們把它叫做: 本地商戶業主的「新一桶金」。


更多詳情請見英語資訊: “Business Local“,歡迎直接與我們電話聯絡 917-957-9323 (中英文)。

pot of gold in blog


「新一桶金」絕佳商機在哪裡? 說來聽聽


(#1) 行動電話快速大眾化

  • 全球智能手機用戶在2014年將達到17.5億。
  • 2013年第1季度,全球網路總流量的24%來自智能手機和平板電腦,比2012同期增長78%。
  • 2013年第4季度北美網路總流量31%為移動設備(手機+平板)。
  • 75%美國人會把手機帶進洗手間。
  • 美國50%的手機購物者使用GPS/地圖功能,找尋可能的消費商家。44%會找尋他們一般日常消費商家的網站。
  • 美國手機優惠券的用戶,將從2010年的1230萬人上升至2014年的5300萬人。
  • 美國手機搜索餐館有90%的轉化率(就是去吃了),其中60%發生在一小時之內。

(#2) 搜索引擎也在引入越來越多的本地搜索資料




(#3) 網站+搜尋引擎優化是傳達商戶信息給搜尋引擎的直接管道



*** 結論 ***

(#1) 已經發生–––是消費大眾的功勞。
($2) 正在發生–––搜尋引擎在大幅度的調整,主要是引入本地搜索資料與社交媒體上的信號。
(#3) 等待發生–––我們知道如何協助我們的客戶讓它發生。

我們特別針對紐約市、皇后區、法拉盛及周邊區域,推出「本地市場小型商業網站,手機版網站優化,與搜尋引擎優化服務––包括多語言族裔市場」。基於不同類型生意需求,我們提供包括英、中、韓語小型商業網站網頁設立(可外加),英、中、韓、西班牙語搜尋引擎優化服務 。讓您在各式各樣消費者一次又一次的搜索,甚至不同語言搜索,結果都名列前茅。

New Pot of Gold ad banner Queens NYC - Chinese

如果讀者有興趣對搜索引擎有最基本的認識,可參考本網站資源篇英語視頻: How Google search works… explained in 3 minutes

Dental What?

International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), the world’s largest dental implant organization, participated in the 2009 American Lifestyles Expo in Hangzhou, China. It was an institutional branding initiative: six ICOI member dentists traveled from abroad to inform and promote “Quality of Life” concepts to Chinese consumers, help them understand how implant technology could change their lives, and provide guidance on how to select their dentists and treatment systems.

GRIDNYC facilitated this endeavor from initial planning to the end of the Expo. We coordinated with various entities in the U.S. and China, both remotely as well as on location.



ICOI theme/event ID design:
event ID

Queens waterfront condo for Asian buyers

Soundview Pointe, a waterfront gated community in Queens, New York City.

Working directly with the developer, Stephen Chang oversaw all Chinese and Korean language advertising (concept, design, copy direction) as well as media planning/placement and PR. Under Mr. Chang’s new marketing direction, the re-opening events brought in nearly double the traffic than events directed under the previous agency.

SVP brochure 1

SVP brochure2

SVP Chinese ad

The Alibaba story-told by a Western insider

While researching information about website and social media inside China, I was led to the “Thoughtful China” website. An interesting headline caught my eye: “扬子江大鳄-A Crocodile in the Yangtze.”

A closer look: “Porter Erisman, a former Alibaba VP and filmmaker of “A Crocodile in the Yangtze” answers questions about Alibaba’s “David and Goliath” battle with eBay, its overseas ambitions, its recent M&A spending spree, its growing battle with Tencent to dominate China’s social commerce market and its upcoming IPO in the U.S.

I have read a lot of coverage about Alibaba and Jack Ma before, in Chinese and English, but this one sounds really interesting… so I clicked on the link. After watching the YouTube video, I would highly recommend it for anyone curious about the phenomenon of Alibaba: Taobao, Tmall, Chinese eBay…? Who is Jack Ma? This $160 billion company? Wall Street’s largest expected IPO?

It may not answer all your questions in 16 minutes, but Mr. Erisman indeed touches upon great insights from a Western insider’s perspective. (the film is available too)
